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General News · 17th August 2017
Mark Lombard for the CFGP
The CFGP has revised it's plans for the fall of 2017.
Please visit the CFGP website for details of the new plans at:

There will be two public tours before the end of the summer:

Tuesday August 22 at 4pm and again on Sunday August 27 at 10am.

People can meet at the parking lot at the entrance to the old road into Carrington Bay off Coulter Bay Road. Please note that this is not at the entrance to the gravel pit, but is approximately 2kms past Harbour Road.
Comment by Sujon on 25th August 2017
Farming as having planted on a farm is one thing. Logging wilderness is greed.
If public input is persuaded by extrenuous "free" firewood then it's a terrible lost to keep warm.

To lose a primal forest to fill a business quota lacks a comprehensive evaluation.