General News · 1st August 2017
Krista Smith
Please join the Children's Forest Youth and Krista Smith this Friday Aug.4 at 6pm at the Old School House Gallery for a talk titled Children Art & Activism, followed by a poetry recital, haikus and some very entertaining forest riddles. Come out and hear what this amazing group of Cortes Island Youth have to say about the forest they are trying to protect and enjoy some beautiful art while you're there.
The Cortes Island Children’s Forest Trust is pleased to announce the opening of Imagine A Forest in Trust to the Children, an exhibition of art created by the Children’s Forest Youth and professional artists from Cortes Island and beyond.
The exhibition is a prayer for the purchase of Island Timberland forest land holdings immediately adjacent to Carrington Bay Park on Cortes Island. These forest lands will be held in trust for all the children of Cortes Island, in perpetuity. They will offer educational, recreational, cultural and spiritual value for all our children. They will provide the opportunity for our youth to embrace and practise stewardship of forest lands and watersheds.
“ Working with the Children’s Forest Youth has blown my heart wide open. To see a forest I love so much through these amazing children’s eyes, and creating art with them that is inspired by this magical forest whose spirit has imprinted itself upon our souls has been a profound gift” says curator Krista Smith.
Upon seeing the artwork that the youth have presented, the public will not only see the astounding beauty of the forest through the artists’ eyes, their love of the plants and animals that fill this ancient land, but also an important message that persists throughout the exhibition. It is a statement that cannot be ignored, and their message is clear: “ We love this Forest and we will never give up.”
All proceeds from sales of this exhibition go to support the Cortes Island Children’s Forest Trust and The Old School House Gallery on Cortes Island, BC.