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Located At Campbell River Marine Terminal
7990 North Island Highway
PO Box 451
Campbell River, BC V9W 5C1

Flexible and dependable full marine freight delivery service out of the Campbell River Marine Terminal, 15km north of Campbell River, British Columbia.

Marine Link Transportation services the forest, aquaculture, and other natural resource industries, remote communities, private residences, fishing and wilderness resorts and lodges, construction sites, large infrastructure projects, seasonal relocations and marine emergency response situations.

With year-round full freight handling and vessel charter services, Marine Link Transportation will safely and securely deliver upon your remote coastal needs.

Professional, highly trained and qualified crews with a record of reliability and safety in getting the job done.

With 4WD Forklift and Crane service we can cater a solution to your specific needs.

Services include handling and transport of:
Heavy Equipment
Construction Materials
Wire rope and Boom Gear
Silviculture Seedling
Fuel Transportation
Bulk Aggregates
Food Handling including Freezer, Cooler, and Dry Goods
Salvage Operations
Emergency Fish Feed
Booming Ground Installation and Support
Helicopter Support
Guy Adams
PO Box 451
Campbell River  BC  V9W 5C1
Phone: 1-250-286-3373