General News · 14th June 2016
Aaron Ellingsen
Applications are now available for two $1,000 Dr. Emily Ellingsen Memorial Bursaries for the 2016-2017 academic year. The purpose of these bursaries is to recognize Cortes Island students' academic and community service successes, and to contribute to the realization of their post-secondary educational goals.
Students who have attended the Cortes Island or Linnaea schools, or who have been enrolled in a home school program on Cortes Island, for a minimum of three years are eligible to apply.
Applications can be picked up at the Cortes Island School, or by email upon request from the school ( or Aaron Ellingsen (
The deadline for submission of completed applications is Friday, June 24, 2016. Applications can be submitted by mail to:
Aaron Ellingsen
Box 112
Manson's Landing BC
V0P 1K0
Or by email to:
For further information: (250) 935-6915 or
Emily's family would like to acknowledge generous support from the Cortes Island School PAC.