Classified Ads, Short Notices, Real Estate & Jobs
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Notices, Workshops & Rides: Garbage and Recycling Pick Up
As we begin the busy summer season please think of your friendly neighbourhood garbage and recycling collector when putting out your things for collection:
Garbage must be in a securely tied, strong bag. No lose garbage please as it blows out of the truck and makes a mess of the roads.
Maggot season has begun; make sure your can and bags are clean and dry. If your garbage has too many maggots on it I won't collect it.
I do not pick up glass, soft plastic, or styrofoam; these items can be taken to the depot for recycling but must not be put in your mixed recycling.
Make sure to have your things on the road side for 7AM; as more people arrive on the island I will start my collection earlier.
Thank you for all your efforts to keep this island tidy!