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Tj's Famous Photo
General News · 22nd August 2012
Here are details regarding the planned presentations at Forestfest. One offering, by Kristen Schofield Sweet, has limited enrollment and a sign up sheet will be available as of Friday night at the Info Tent. There will be guided forest walks, children's programming and lots of spontaneous "crowd sourced" input too. Do you have an offering of music or perspective to bring?

Wilderness Committee - Torrance Coste
The Future of Conservation – A community discussion
The Wilderness Committee has a goal to double protected areas on Vancouver Island, but how to accomplish that? There are a number of options. Join this interactive dialogue and share your opinion.

Forest Action Network - Zoe Blunt
Preparing for action: mind, body, and spirit
When we use direct action to confront corporate intrusion, the first rule is "Be prepared." This workshop and discussion explores forest action team-building, coalition work, psychic self-defense, and physical readiness.

Bruce Ellingsen
Sustainable Forestry – Trees and Jobs
Cortes Island is one of the most active eco-forestry locations in BC. From small operators to the new Community Forest, Cortes wants sustainable harvesting not industrial logging. Hear from an “old timer” who is on the cutting edge of the sustainability revolution.

Shivon Robinsong
Rise up Singing
Music fuels social movements. Just listen or sing along.

Ancient Forest Alliance - TJ Watt
Building a broad-based Movement
Discuss organizing your cause and more with the co-founder of the Ancient Forest Alliance

WildStands Forest Alliance - Mario de Rose
Strategies for Success
Four years later and the trees are still standing. Learn about a package of tactics that WildStands has been using during the campaign.

Norleen Lillico
The Cool Revolution
Avoid Heating Up and Burning Out

Kristen Schofield Sweet
How do I ask the spirits of the forest to show me what they need, and how do I interpret the answers? Are there ways for my activist presence in the forest to be a ritual feast for the spirits of place? What can I do to help the spirits of place heal in a clear cut?

Join Kristen Scholfield-Sweet for a workshop of direct experience with forest spirits of place. Create rituals of respect and healing that can be used throughout the duration of the action to defend the forest. Limited space: 19 participants maximum

Note: Unfortunately, Ken Wu of the Ancient Forest Alliance is now unable to attend. However, co-founder and award winning photographer TJ Watt is taking his place. Thanks for coming TJ, we love those pictures.
Forestfest Daytime Schedule
Forestfest Daytime Schedule