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Notices, Workshops & Rides: Signs Demonstration for Mosaic Open House
Mosaic presentation update by Jeanne.....Well my last post created a stir... All of the folks who connected with me wanted to still have signs but also remain civil... Some saying because of heavy covid on the island they preferred to stay outside, some that they wanted a voice but didn't feel comfortable going into the meeting but really wanted to show their support, some saying we need numbers so making it comfortable for people to express however they needed..... But everyone had expressed it would be respectable.
Soooo for the Mosaic show... We do want numbers - a strong sign of passionate folks in love with our forests and keeping a healthy ecology with our island. Signs are a welcomed way of sharing your voice... lets keep it civil folks. Also some suggestions to come early at least by 9:30 to be there at the arrival of Mosaic. If you don't have a sign but would like to make one, someone has offered a few extra poster sheets and felt markers and come maybe at 9:00am so you have time to create.