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General News · 30th October 2024
Jennifer for Mansons Hall
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1: Friday Market

Our weekly Friday Market takes place every Friday afternoon from 12 to 3 PM in the Main Hall.

Indulge in a variety of goods at the market, including baked delights, gems, crystals, artisan soaps, locally-forged mushrooms, natural beauty products, sharpening services, handmade crafts, collectible knives, mammoth, jade and amber pendants, handmade cards, jewelry, and fresh pasta. Join us in supporting our local vendors at this beloved weekly event.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1: Thrift Store

The SCCA Thrift Store is open during the Friday Market 12-3 pm with plenty of gently used clothing items for the entire family to choose from. You will find it down the hall to the Pioneer Room. All items are sold by a suggested donation to the SCCA.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3: Yoga with Kelly

Kelly Benson is offering three drop-in yoga classes at Mansons Hall:

Vinyasa Flow Sundays 11:00 / Thursdays at 5:30 pm, and Seniors Yoga Tuesdays 11am. All classes are in the Om Studio. For more info email

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5: Parents & Tots

All caregivers and little ones (ages 0 to 4+) are invited to drop in for playtime and community connection.
Every Tuesday from 10:30 to 12:30 at Manson’s Hall, Main Hall.
Hope to see you there!
Free, by donation. Location: Main Hall

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5: Free Movement and Mobility Class for Seniors

This class will focus on small isolated movements and exercises to help keep mobility and movement in the joints. This class is for seniors and those with health/mobility challenges.

Tuesdays 11:00am Om Studio (upstairs Mansons Hall)
Weekly 1 hour classes

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5: Tiny Dancers (6+ Years)

3-4 pm, Main Hall


$50/month or $15 drop-in

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6: T’ai Chi Ch’uan with Judyth Weaver

T’ai Chi Ch’uan is a low-impact exercise that is ideal for seniors. These slow, gentle movements can improve balance, strength, flexibility, and range of motion and decrease the effects of common degenerative diseases and pains. It is a standing/moving exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime and doesn’t need special clothing or shoes.

The class will be offered on Wednesdays, from 10 to 11 in the Om Studio.

The classes are free. Donations to the CISS are welcome.

If you have any questions before class, please contact Judyth at 250-935-8500

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6: Cirque stretch with Jamie Casuso

OM Studio

Jamie’s cirque stretch class uses a combination of yoga, Pilates, as well as partner & individual stretching to help increase your flexibility & range of motion. If you’re looking to improve your splits, this class is for you! A large portion of the class is dedicated to leg flexibility as well as contortion inspired back exercises. All levels welcome, must be comfortable assisting others!
15yrs+ (kids younger than 15 can attend if accompanied by a parent)

$15.00 drop-m

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6: Adult Acrobatics with Jamie Casuso

OM studio

Fulfill your circus dreams and learn the basic acrobatic skills in this fun & inspiring class. A yoga / pilates warm up focused on core. Must be comfortable assisting others & going upside down. We will work every week on our handstands, bridges & more!

$15 drop-in

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7: Free Community Lunch

Come and enjoy a bowl of soup and some social time

Free for everyone!

Manson's Hall Noon-1:30pm Thursday November 7th.

Funded through the CCHA Family Support Program and the Cortes Island Community Foundation, the Fund for Gender Equality, Better at Home Food Security Initiative, Klahoose, SCCA & WCC


Om studio 2-4 pm
bring a project to work on, get sewing coaching, sit and sew together.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7: Acrobatics for Kids (6+ years)

3-4pm, Main Hall

Partner Balances
+ More!

$50/month or $15 drop-in

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7: Yoga with Kelly

Thursday at 5:30 pm in the Om Studio. For more info email

For more information about our programs contact or call (250) 935-0015
Mansons Hall Office Hours: Monday and Tuesday 9-5, Thursday 11-2, Friday 11-2.