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General News · 17th October 2024
Mark Vonesch
Hi Everyone,

I thought about holding back and not saying anything. That it would be better if I hold my opinions about the election to myself because I will have to work with the next provincial government no matter the outcome of the election on Saturday.

But with the polls so tight and so much on the line I have to say something.

The Conservative Party of BC has a real chance of winning the election and I’m worried.

The BC Conservatives have candidates pushing climate change denial, tax breaks for the wealthiest, ripping up the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, logging the last of our old growth, legislation that will harm queer students, corporations providing healthcare, and going backwards on housing progress.

This election is too important to lose.

We need a provincial government that stands up for the average person and especially the most vulnerable, takes climate science seriously, knows that working in partnership with First Nations is good for everyone, and is willing to push the dial on housing.

We need a government that values entrepreneurship and innovation and understands the importance of arts and culture. A government that is focused on helping families and children and protecting biodiversity.

I have worked with Michele Babchuk for the past two years and she has worked hard to advance progress in our riding.

I know the BC NDP are not perfect, but they are the best choice in this election. I am proud of the progress they have made and will continue to push them on climate change policy, taxation equity, and housing.

Please make a plan to vote on Saturday. Bring your family, partner, friends and neighbours.

Cortes Island School
Saturday, Oct 19th
8am - 8pm

Mark Vonesch

PS: Voting for the Green Party in our North Island riding is a vote for the Conservatives. Please vote strategically. There are other ridings across BC where the Green Party or Independents stands a chance but our riding is not one of them.