General News · 26th September 2024
T’ai Chi Ch’uan is a low-impact exercise ideal for seniors. These slow, gentle movements can improve balance, strength, flexibility, and range of motion and decrease the effects of common degenerative diseases and pains. It is a standing/moving exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime and doesn’t require special clothing or shoes.
Judyth Weaver received permission to teach TCC from the school of Grand Master Cheng Man-Ch’ing in 1971, and she has been teaching it regularly around the world since then.
Judyth lives on Cortes as much as she can.
The classes are free. Donations to the CISS are welcome.
If you have any questions before class, please get in touch with Judyth at 250-935-8500.
The class will be offered on Wednesdays in Manson's Hall, Om Studio, at 10 am, and will continue until further notice.
All are welcome to join the class.