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General News · 29th August 2024
We are partnering with Good Libations to make apple juice for the Cortes Food Bank with apples that YOU donate! If you have excess apples that need a place to go, Good Libations will kindly be accepting donations this fall.

Providing safe and good quality foods is very important for the food bank.

Please follow these guidelines provided by Good Libations:

1. Make sure all apples are ripe. Only ripe apples
can be juiced.
Ripe apples have dark brown seeds, not orange,
green or yellow. (Just check a few.)

2. Do NOT collect apples off the ground, as these
can carry bacteria that can be a serious health
hazard. (Bird droppings and worse can disappear
in the rain, but the bacteria doesn't.)

3. Please use boxes that are clean and not tainted
with any debris or chemicals.

4. Don’t let the apples sit around any longer than a
week or they’ll start to go soft and the pressing
will be more difficult (or impossible). Keep them
as cool as you can.

If you’d like to make a donation, please call Doug first before you start picking so they know what's coming, and then call them again when you're ready to bring them in.

Good Libations Phone: 250-935-0126

Thank you!