In this newsletter: Our Calendar for June / CISS AGM – recap / My Walks with Radar / Creative Spaces Tour / and more ...
You are invited to join the Cortes Island Seniors Society (CISS) if you are 50+. The Society manages the current Seniors Village, pays for renting Manson's Hall for certain seniors' activities and meetings, sends out a monthly newsletter with news relating to Cortes seniors, and organizes some island-wide events.
To find more information about our programs and activities, check this
Tideline post or our
Facebook page.
Membership in the Society is very important as it shows your support for the organization and its programming. To renew your CISS membership, which is only $10, mail your cheque to PO BOX 27 Mansons Landing BC V0P 1K0, or email your dues by e-transfer to
CISS CALENDAR FOR MAY 2024Cortes Community Land Trust • Sunday, June 2, from 9 to 11 a.m., Open House, 671 Sutil Point Rd (coffee and donuts included). Join the Cortes Housing Society for a tour and share your ideas on how we can make the most of this great new community asset.
T’AI CHI CH’UANT’ai Chi Ch’uan is offered to Cortes seniors by Judyth Weaver, who received permission to teach TCC in 1971 from the school of Grand Master Cheng Man-Ch’ing. Judyth has been teaching it regularly around the world since then. T’ai Chi Ch’uan is a low-impact exercise ideal for seniors. The class is free, and donations to CISS are welcome. All are invited to join.
• Wednesdays, 11 till noon, Om Studio, Manson’s Hall.
Carpet Bowling• Sundays/Wednesdays. Call De0305 for more information.
Community Lunches• Saturday, June 1, Klahoose
• Thursday, June 6, Manson's Hall
• Tuesday, June 11, Gorge Hall
• Thursday, June 20, Manson's Hall
DeathCaring CollectiveWe are taking a break from educational offerings during the summer and will resume our monthly gatherings in September. If you’d like help with end-of-life planning, contact Carina Verhoeve at or phone 250-935-6793 Monday through Friday, 10 to 5. Carina can guide you and help you stay on track.
If you have any death-related questions or needs, please don't hesitate to contact us, even on short notice: Margaret at 250-204-3709 or Emma at 250-208-4468.
Walking GroupThe walking group meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 a.m. in Manson's Hall parking lot for a 30-minute to one-hour walk, followed by coffee – location TBA. The walks are never cancelled: no kind of weather stops the walking group folks! Come and join us.
Cortes Island Museum and Wild Cortes• Museum/Main Gallery, 957 Beasley Road, Friday & Saturday, noon to 4
• Wild Cortes, 1255 Seaford Road, Friday & Saturday, noon to 4 p.m.
Beginning June 15, Cortes Island Museum will be open on the summer schedule.
• Museum/Main Gallery, Tuesday through Sunday, 10 to 4
• Wild Cortes, Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 4 p.m.
Misty Isles Cruises: Natural Aspects of Western Cortes• Thursday, July 4, with George Sirk. Book early: call Misty Isles935-6756
Creative Spaces: Garden and Studio Tour• Saturday, June 22, 10 a.m. to 4 pm. – This event is a major fundraiser for the Museum and a unique opportunity to explore the island's best gardens and artists' studios! Tickets are available at the Museum and in Cortes stores. On the day of the event – also in the Whaletown Garden Centre, 315 Harbour Road.
Old Schoolhouse Art Gallery• June 7 to 16: Group Show
• June 21 to 30: Filipe Figueira: Painting with Your Eyes Closed
• Fridays: 6 to 9; Saturdays and Sundays: 2 to 6
AGM - Summary(our AGM took place on May 14, 2024)
The business part of the meeting was short but informative. It started with a report from our accountant Cathy Winter. There was some discussion of the repair and renovation funds for Village cottages, with BC Housing providing only a small amount. Myrna Kerr submitted a report on the activities of the Support Our Seniors Society. She thanked CISS for our assistance with getting grants for the new society. Carolyn read the President's Report, which dealt mainly with activities in the Village and other activities of the society. Bruce Ellingsen added some information on recent repairs to the disposal system. Ian Winter has tentatively accepted the maintenance position at the Village.
Carolyn Howson resigned from the president position, and new board members were needed. The new board now consists of Peter Elliott, Sue Ellingsen, Bruce Ellingsen, Linda Cartland, Mark Christian, Donna Naven, and two new members, Brig Weiler and Laurel Bohart. Thank you!
Carolyn then introduced Autumn Barrett-Morgan, who presented an illustrated talk on marshland ecology, emphasizing the Dillon Creek Wetland Restoration project sponsored by FOCI and Linnaea Farm. All enjoyed the lively lecture.
After the lecture, there was time for refreshments and interactions. We also had some discussion about having a guided tour of the Dillon Creek project.
My Walks with Radar by Lynne Jordan Please read our PDF version (attached) or email version.
***********************************More can be found in the pdf attached below and the email version of the newsletter delivered to CISS members' email boxes on the first day of every month.
***********************************If you are a CISS member, you should receive an email with the newsletter every first day of the month. If you cannot find it in your inbox, check your spam or junk folder and mark "NOT SPAM." Additionally, add to your email contacts. If in doubt, call Gina at 250-935-0080.
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