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General News · 16th May 2024
CCHA Isabelle Laplante RN
Tick season is here. The following sites from the BCCDC have a wealth of information around lyme's disease. I especially find the part around tick identification really useful too!

Ticks found by BC residents can be identified for free by submitting a photo of the tick to eTick. This is the preferred method to have ticks identified quickly. If the tick is identified as the type of tick that can carry the agent of Lyme disease (black-legged tick), you will be provided instructions to keep the tick in a freezer for 30 days and monitor for signs of illness. A black-legged tick needs to be attached for more than 18 hours to transmit the agent of Lyme disease. If signs of illness develop, see your healthcare provider immediately.
(see symptoms portion)

The following link also has useful information on how to remove a tick and information on ID and testing