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General News · 12th May 2024
Max - FOCI streamkeepers
The Streamkeepers of the Friends of Cortes Island (aka Stream Stewardship project) has been an active program of salmon enhancement, habitat restoration and salmon reverence for many years now. It has been our honour to support the Klahoose Nation hatchery and work alongside Klahoose members in supporting salmon.

In recent years, climate change has become a major threat to salmon survival in our region and it has undermined many of our efforts and eroded our hopes and dreams of a full fishy recovery.
We’ve had gravel and eggs washed out to sea. We’ve had to watch fish waiting endlessly for fall rain that never came while predators circle. We’ve managed to get hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars spent on restoring road infrastructure to support fish passage, and then see those passageways sit empty.

It is time to speak out and share our experience. We’ve asked Dave Ewart to recount our recent experience and connect it with his deeper observations through 40 years of supporting salmon in the region.

It is time to act – salmon around the Salish Sea struggle, at times desperately, with today’s level of climate disruption and they cannot tolerate the levels of warming and hydrological chaos that are predicted under our current foot-dragging climate response. The world has already warmed too much for these sacred fish. We must do better. Please join us and others who are demanding an end to the unsanctioned experiment of endlessly adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere - you are needed. We owe it to future generations, to First Nations, to the fish and all who depend on them.

Please read and digest Dave’s experience and wisdom. Find it here:

And please consider supporting our work with a membership and a regular donation.