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General News · 3rd May 2024
Dancing Wolf
Our Duty To Beauty

The breeze was up
with a gentle touch
on that September day

Half full my cup
at least that much
until Lisa had this to say

A Beauty Bringer you are
my gratitude
for all that you do create

Like Moon reflecting Star
my heart now imbued
with Light that will never abate

For if ever here
on our precious Earth
there was a Bringer of Beauty

It was our Lisa Dear
her effervescent worth
reminds us all of our duty

To bring forth our Gifts
share them far and near
and know ourselves as whole

For our sharing uplifts
she made that so clear
with the Art of her Heart and Soul

Such Generosity
of Attention
and Grace under fire

My reciprocity
only makes mention
through deed not desire

Let your grief speak
let it scream if it must
agony doesn’t do well in cages

Give strength to weak
and truth to trust
feeling what is real as it engages

Giving birth to tears
honours the departed
and so too how we move ahead

Onward through the years
let’s remain openhearted
for love doesn’t die with the dead

Words can never be wings
nor hugs nor waves
yet they help us connect with each other

When Community sings
over Loved Ones graves
We become closer to one another

Never forsake this Sacred Bond
that our Love has made
Nourish it through memory and active kindness

Lisa’s gone to the Great Beyond
yet lots of her Love stayed
Forever it’s Beauty a Beacon to find us

Dancing Wolf
May 1, 2024

The photo is of Lisa with Suzanne Fletcher at Love Fest 2019