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General News · 5th March 2024
FOCI - Max
Your voice is needed to make improvements to our zoning bylaws.

We need to take a serious look at what we're doing on this planet.

We're not on a good path and we know we need to make transformations to how we live, in order to leave space for the more-than-human world and a healthy climate for future generations.

Bring your thoughts on how we can protect what we love, forever. The stakes are higher than ever.

Consider sharing your priorities and values.

-Limiting pollution to limit warming
-Protecting Wildlife corridors
-Protecting and restoring watersheds,denning areas, salmon streams and other habitat loss
-Housing for humans that enhances other values
-Limiting egregious, superfluous consumption
-Ecological mapping to guide responsible development
-A climate-emergency lens to guide decision making
-Low-impact, local food (eg. aquaculture)
-Composting toilets for the win!
-Net-zero green building
[insert your ideas]

If you didn't make it to the meeting - you can submit your input in writing. (Share a copy with us!)

To collaborate with FOCI on this and much more, get in touch and become a member and consider making a donation.