2023 AGM - January 31, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific time.
Merry MYCO Greetings for 2024!!
In the wake of the MYCO magic woven during our MYCOmerriment of November 1 & 2, 2023,
we are thrilled to announce Merlin Sheldrake and Andy MacKinnon will join us for our AGM and will be sharing fungal threads of wisdom and stories.
Merlin Sheldrake, biologist, is a long-time, summer resident of Cortes and author of ‘Entangled Life – How Fungi Make our Worlds, Shape our Minds & Shape our Futures (2020) and presenter of the acclaimed IMAX film, ‘Fungi – Web of Life’ (2023). Andy MacKinnon, forest ecologist, is co-author of ‘Mushrooms of BC’ and ‘Plants of Coastal British Columbia’ and research associate for the Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island Society (FTCCIS). Two our alumni directors will join a lively panel discussion with Merlin, Andy and Sabina, research associate.
You are invited to attend this special AGM on January 31, 11:00 am Pacific time on zoom. We wanted to ensure that you received a direct invitation in case you missed the earlier public notice.
The business portion of the 2023 AGM will follow at 12:00 pm noon and you are welcome to stay on the zoom call to listen to the chair report, updates and what’s ahead for 2024. The zoom coordinates are listed below, and will also be posted on the Tideline. Attached are documents to preview for the business portion of the AGM to support a time-efficient meeting.
Our annual membership fee is $5 for adults (no fee for youth). If you wish to be a current member for the AGM (not necessary), please e-transfer $5 to Christine Robinson, cmrobinson54gmail.com with the subject line ‘membership fee’ by Monday, Jan. 29, 5:00 pm.
Thank you so very much for your interest and support over the years, however small, large or intangible. Our children, families and supporters have woven strong fungal threads that form an intricate web of connection, keeping our vision alive as we move closer to achieving our goal of purchase & protection of the Children’s Forest.
See you on January 31.
Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island Society
“Imagine ... a Forest in Trust to the Children!”
Chris Dragseth is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island Society’s AGM
Time: Jan 31, 2024 11:00 AM Vancouver
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