General News · 5th January 2024
Hi all -
FolkU is piloting a new and exciting program: Neighbours Helping Neighbours. We know that living rurally and remotely can add barriers to learning new skills and getting basic help; this program hopes to lessen these barriers and become an accessible resource for wide-ranging literacy support.
I am offering individual support sessions for you. Phone or email me to book! I’m a good problem-solver and if I don’t have the answer, I’ll do my best to help or direct you to somebody who can.
If you are interested in volunteering (do you have writing, editing, math, accounting, financial, tax, technology, legal, or any other skills?), please get in touch with me + include skills/knowledge you’d be comfortable with sharing in a one-on-one session - in-person or over zoom, whatever is best for you. Time commitment is totally flexible so even if you just feel comfortable committing to one session, we’d be so grateful!
I’ll be the program touch-person and we’re hoping this can snowball into a structured network of helpers so everybody in our community has access to diverse one-on-one learning supports when they need it.