General News · 29th December 2023
Izabelle for WCC
I would like to extend Season’s Greetings to our new Board members, Kim Phillips (Vice President), Bruce Partridge (Treasurer), Lynn Partridge (Secretary), Shaun Canaday (Social Convenor), De Clarke, Amy Bockner, Brian Hayden, Sue Bannister, Chelsea Rutledge and Associate Member Serene Watson (Children’s Convenor).
The new board is excited and energized for the upcoming year and we look forward to many great events.
Everyone on the board sends our best wishes to our entire community for a safe, healthy and happy holiday season.
We also extend an invitation to join us at the Gorge Hall for a BBQ and dance for New Year's Eve.
We look forward to new programs and events in the new year as well as the return of community favourites!
From all of us at The Whaletown Community Club,
Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year!