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General News · 21st December 2023
We are seeking funding to launch a house-matching service on Cortes.

The recent Cortes housing survey found that 65% of property owners on Cortes have space on their land that they might rent out if the conditions are right. Currently, 1/3 of homes on Cortes are only occupied part-time. There is considerable opportunity to house Cortes residents within existing homes and we want to get going right away!

We aim to launch a pilot project to match people in need of housing with property owners that have space to share in 2024. This initiative will be a collaboration between the Cortes Housing Society, the Cortes Community Economic Development Agency, and the Cortes Island Community Foundation.

A similar initiative was launched on the Southern Gulf Islands and in less than a year they have housed 7 people without having to build any housing. The property owners have benefited from increased income, a helping hand around their property, or both owners and tenants have benefited from having immediate access to good housing.

Traditionally the end of a calendar year is when many of us make our charitable donations, please consider giving where your heart is, to Cortes. We are aiming to raise $30,000 to hire dedicated staff person to launch a Cortes pilot program by the summer of 2024. Through our new Housing Fund at the Cortes Island Community Foundation, we can offer US or Canadian tax deductions.

Donate today by following this link and selecting “Housing Fund”