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General News · 8th December 2023
Tanya Henck
We had an amazing outpouring of love for this years raffle! There will be 3 prize packages. Send an etranser to, buy them at the Mansons Christmas Market this Saturday. Find Dina's Island Knit Socks and her beautiful bulbs. She can hook you up or contact us to make a cash purchase. $10 each or 3 for $25!

Prizes include: Misty Isles Summertime dinner for 2 cruise to Refuge Cove, Kim Marks tattoo session, Reel Youth drone footage/photos, Heathers Haven Crystals, Twigroots Botanicals giftbag, Bernice McGowan Toque, That's Awesome canned goods and gift certificate, JehJeh Media Resource Pack, Wildivine Guided Meditation, Moon Cat Magicals Protection Potion, Sunflower Food Gift Certificate, Art Work by: Kathleen Pemberton, Brig Weiler, Meinsje Vlaming, Rose Bockner, Jade Jordan, Foxglove Pottery, Amy Robertson and more!