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General News · 4th December 2023
Public notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors for the Strathcona Regional District may proceed with final passage and adoption of Bylaw No. 512, being Regional Housing Service Establishing Bylaw 2023 and Bylaw No. 515, being Regional Housing Loan Authorization Bylaw 2023, at its meeting of Wednesday, January 24, 2024 unless at least 10% of the eligible electors within the Strathcona Regional District submit elector response forms not later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. (See Notice for more info)


Public notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors for the Strathcona Regional District may proceed with final passage and adoption of Bylaw No. 512, being Regional Housing Service Establishing Bylaw 2023 and Bylaw No. 515, being Regional Housing Loan Authorization Bylaw 2023, at its meeting of Wednesday, January 24, 2024 unless at least 10% of the eligible electors within the Strathcona Regional District submit elector response forms not later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.

Bylaw No. 512 would establish a service to address solutions for workforce housing, seniors housing, affordable housing and other housing challenges in the region either directly or in partnership with other entities such as housing societies. Bylaw No. 515 would authorize the Regional District to borrow up to $10,000,000 as necessary for the above purposes with the debt to be repaid over a period not exceeding 30 years.

The number of eligible electors within the boundaries of the Strathcona Regional District has been fairly determined to be 34,551 and the number of valid elector responses required to prevent the adoption of Bylaws No. 512 and 515 without first obtaining the assent of the electors by voting is 3,456. Elector response forms must be in the form approved by the Regional Board and may be obtained online at or in person at the Regional District office during regular office hours. Only persons who qualify as electors within the Strathcona Regional District are entitled to sign and submit an elector response form.

Further information regarding Bylaws No. 512 and 515 or this alternative approval process may be obtained at or by contacting the Regional District.

T. Yates,
Corporate Officer