Were you not able to join the Housing Forum in person because you did not have a device to join online?
Are you interested in our
SeniorsFirstBC series but prefer to watch it in your own home?
Do you want to research things but have no computer?
Interested in joining certain Zoom meetings but your device is too old?
Want to listen to podcasts or download a library book but don't know how?
Interested in facetiming with friends or family but can't download the latest update?
There are so many things you can do with an ipad.
If you are 50 or over, we have ipads you can borrow for the next 4 months. We can also give you some one on one tutorials so you can learn everything about it!
Email Valerie at valerie.jo.wgmail.com to reserve one, call Ester at 250-204-2116 to put one aside for you or come to Mansons Hall today at 2:30 to sign one out. You can borrow it until March 31, 2024
With help from the New Horizons for Seniors Program, we can provide free/subsidized fitness classes, programs and activities for seniors. If you have an idea for a workshop, creative sessions or activities that would benefit seniors, please reach out: newhorizonscortesgmail.com