General News · 2nd December 2023
Cec Robinson
Hi folks
Here is the letter that I sent today to DFO. I just learned today that they will accept input on their Strait of Georgia 2023-24 herring policy until close of Dec Dec 3 2023
Diane Lebouthillier, Minister, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Dear Minister
I am a resident of Cortes Island, and a member of our Streamkeepers group working to support the salmon and improve their habitat. But it is disheartening to see at the same time government policies that are destroying those same fish.
As a major prey species in the food chain, a robust and diverse herring population is key to a healthy BC coast. But with our overfishing, we have slashed their numbers to a shadow of what they should be. At this point any continued commercial harvest , even at a much reduced rate, will certainly lead to the collapse of the Georgia Strait herring population. Much of the Salish Sea ecosystem will collapse along with it, and the traditional First Nations roe collection as well.
We need an immediate Pacific coast-wide moratorium of the gillnet and seine herring roe fisheries at least until herring populations have recovered to their historic levels.
The herring fleet cannot see this moratorium as being too unfairly abrupt. The need has been glaringly obvious for many years, and only becoming more so with each passing season.
Canadians expect our Department of Fisheries and Oceans to protect fish and oceans ! Also to enable commercial fisheries, yes, but only in the context of a healthy marine ecosystem.
Fortunately, you have this opportunity right now to end this destructive, unsustainable fishery while there are still enough herring left to recover.
I look forward to your decision.
Cec Robinson,,
1457 Bayview Road, PO Box 68 Whaletown, BC,
V0P 1Z0.