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General News · 18th November 2023
Margaret Verschuur
We will meet on Tuesday, Nov 21st, 1:00 - 2:30 pm in the Pioneer Room of the Manson’s Hall.

The DeathCaring Collective is a dedicated group of individuals who are enthusiastic about opening up conversations and learning more about death, dying, and grief. We meet monthly, and each meeting includes a time for sharing, an educational presentation, and a discussion about on-going projects in our community. We strive to bring death back into the stream of life in real and tangible ways,

At our gathering on Tuesday you will meet Kathleen Monahan, Coordinator of the Nav-CARE program recently launched by Quadra Circle. This program will extend to Cortes Island in January of 2024, continuing the Compassionate Community Project launched this summer and currently being coordinated by Carina. Kathleen will tell us about the program, answer questions, and let us know the steps to become or transition to becoming a Nav-CARE volunteer on Cortes.

We meet in-person whenever possible and provide a Zoom link to those not able to attend. If you are not already on the email list and would like to receive the Zoom link, please request your address be added using the Contact section of Everyone is welcome.