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General News · 16th November 2023
Elizabeth Anderson
Cortes Islanders like to say “We’re here because we’re not all there” with a wry smile and a twinkle in our eyes. We relish our independence, our creativity, our closeness to nature and our good fortune to have landed in such a beautiful place. Living here is a respite from the fast paced world that begins just two ferry rides away from home. Even so it is impossible to ignore the rising tide of terrorism that plagues the world today and how it has or may come to effect us more substantially. Bit by bit, I believe we are becoming more traumatized by world events as we have to absorb the truths of the inhumane actions that are occurring at an ever increasing rate.
I believe many of us are here in attempt to escape the cruelty of the wider world. We are here because we are “overly” sensitive to harsh realities. In that sense I feel we need to be aware of one another’s vulnerability and be mindful that our actions don’t cause further trauma. Our independent ways can lead us to act without consensus, that boring, long drawn out road block to our more inspired ideas. But advanced age has taught me that consensus is a necessary road we must travel to a more complete understanding of any situation. Taking matters into one’s own hands, though well meant, can snowball into an out of control situation. It sets a precedent that proclaims loud and clear that “Anything goes”.
I respectfully propose that as we live on a small island and must interact whether we like it or not, that we go to our community and ask to take the long road to consensus before taking an action that is irreversible and affects us all.