General News · 2nd October 2023
FOCI Streamkeepers Christine
Pink salmon showed up in 3 places on Cortes recently - pinks began appearing sometime around the middle of September in Squirrel Cove Bay attempting to move into the little creek there, and on September 28, pinks were seen at Basil Creek and Chris' Lagoon, near Hanks Beach. Cortes does not have a regular run of pink salmon, and they were last seen at Basil Creek in 2015, eight years ago.
For background, pinks have a 2-year life cycle and once they hatch in late winter/early spring, the pink fry move out to the saltwater immediately.
There are multiple reports of substantial numbers of pinks along the BC coast this year to date; the Campbell & Quinsam Rivers have had good pink runs so far. On years when there have been lots of pink salmon, they are known to stray to rivers & creeks not natal to them.
Creek levels are lower than ever seen, and we need serious rainfall for the next several weeks before chum salmon arrive later in October.
Salmon Watching Etiquette (more important than ever with the low water) - Be quiet. Move slowly. Try not to point. Stay out of the creek. Keep dogs on leash and away from the creek. Enjoy, be awed, but please be respectful of this amazing natural phenomenon and the journey taken by the salmon.