General News · 17th September 2023
Jan Boas
There are 13 Ferry Advisory Committees on the coastal areas served by the BC Ferry Services and we do stay in touch with each other. Many of the problems that affect us are not unique, but are shared with most of the other routes, such as staffing, mechanical, weather etc, and twice a year we have the opportunity to meet face to face with senior staff from the Corporation to discuss the various questions and suggestions that we might have about our own services. This Fall, our meeting will be held on Cortes Island at Manson's Hall on September 27th from 12.30 to 2.30pm and will be followed by a community open house from 3.30 to 5.30, hosted by BC Ferry Services.
The general public are invited to attend in person as observers or you can you can join us virtually by contacting If you wish to have more information about the agenda, or wish to speak at the meeting, please contact the Chair, Michael Lynch at: in advance of the meeting. If you are traveling from Quadra please contact Michael Lynch to arrange ferry passes.
The full list of Ferry Advisory Committee members can be found on the BC Ferry Services website under the heading at the bottom of the home page, "Ferry Advisory Committees". All nine of the committee members volunteer their time to liaise with BC Ferries and work on improving the service to suit our local needs.
Michael Lynch, Committee Chair