General News · 14th September 2023
Margaret Verschuur
We will meet on Tuesday, September 19th, 1:00 - 2:30 pm in the Pioneer Room of the Manson’s Hall.
The DeathCaring Collective is a dedicated group of individuals who are enthusiastic about opening up conversations and learning more about death, dying, and grief. We meet monthly, and each meeting includes a time for sharing, an educational presentation, and a discussion about on-going projects in our community. We strive to bring death back into the stream of life in real and tangible ways, and believe that if people knew about the options available to them, many would choose to approach death in ways that are healthier and more enriching, as well as more natural and affordable, than our usual practices. As we share, learn, educate and provide additional options in our community, our comfort with death grows. This enables us to live more vibrantly and with greater intention today.
Our meeting topic this Tuesday is “Uninformed Consent“. Darshan Stevens has been involved in two recent deaths, and will share an aspect of both that are troubling. Darshan will talk about the traumatic impact of endless medical interventions in palliative care, and how creating false hope for the palliative person deprives them the opportunity to prepare for the end. This leaves the bereaved with the guilt of not helping the loved one die with dignity; it robs them of closure and creates a kind of death without consent.
We meet in-person whenever possible and provide a Zoom link to those not able to attend. If you are not already on the email list and would like to receive the Zoom link, please request your address be added using the Contact section of Everyone is welcome.