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General News · 18th September 2023
Mike Moore
Saturday, September 23
Where: any Cortes neighbourhood
Why: to meet your neighbours and prepare for emergencies

This is an encouragement to all Cortes Island neighbourhoods to organize their own Block Party on Saturday, Sept. 23 to complete neighbourhood emergency planning.

A representative from the Strathcona Regional District will be available on Cortes Island on Saturday, Sept. 23 for a limited time to visit anyone who has organized a Block Party and provide more information about neighbourhood emergency preparedness. Contact the SRD's Protective Services rep Casey-Faye Longhurst, at T: 250-914-9230 E:

If your neighbourhood has not done emergency planning, now is the time!

You can find more information on the SRD's website

Cortes Radio's has a news item on neighbourhood emergency preparedness here:

Finally, note the upcoming workshop, Developing a Neighbourhood Disaster Response Plan Saturday, Sept 16 at the Quadra Island Community Centre, 970 West Road, from 9:00-2:30…lunch and coffee breaks included. This workshop will introduce participants to the role Neighbourhood Emergency Plan Program (NEPP) volunteers can play in helping their neighbourhoods organize after a major disaster (earthquake) where residents will be sheltering in place. For more information and to register, please email volunteer Betsy Young at

Most initial disaster relief is provided not by formal emergency and relief organizations, but by residents of the impact area and surrounding communities.