General News · 29th August 2023
Rex Weyler
Nate Hagens: The Great Simplification
Date change to: Monday, September 4
Mansons Hall, 7PM, free event
Nate Hagens hosts the world #1 life sciences podcast The Great Simplification.
He talks with ecologists, energy analysts, historians, and futurists about how to best respond to our ecological crisis. His guests have included agro-ecologist Vandana Shiva, evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson, Warm Data founder Nora Bateson, marine biologist Antonio Turriel, and Joan Diamond, Executive Director of Stanford University’s Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere.
Hagens - founder of the Institute for the Study of Energy & our Future - examines our ecological crises in deep and broad systemic contexts.
On Monday evening, September 4, he will talk about appropriate responses to our ecological challenges and will engage in dialogue with the audience about these issues that affect our communities.