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Nate Hagens and Lizzy Sirianni
General News · 27th August 2023
Rex Weyler
Yes, Nate Hagens will be here in person on Saturday.

Cortes friends have been asking me: Is this a video talk, or will he actually be here? He'll be here: Saturday, September 2, 7PM at Mansons Hall.

Nate's Great Simplification show is the #1 life sciences podcast:

He talks with ecologists, energy analysts, and activists about our ecological crisis.

He'll give a summary of his findings, take questions, and chat with the audience on Saturday evening at Mansons Hall.

He's talked with most of my personal favorite ecologists and thinkers, including Nora Bateson, William Rees, Kate Raworth, Vandana Shiva, Daniel Pauly, Peter Ward, and scores of other important, knowledgeable voices, who are warning humanity about our untenable relationship with Earth's ecological systems.
The Great Simplification
The Great Simplification