Friends of Cortes Island (FOCI) is interested in your sightings of the
Common Nighthawk!
These birds take to the wing at dawn or dusk to forage for insects. They are recognizable by their sharp electric 'peent' call. They have unique flying patterns and have a white band on the undersides of their wings. Typically, they are spotted flying near grasslands or bluffs and above treetops. You can find out more about them and listen to their call at this
link.If you spot them, we would love to hear from you! Please tell us the
location, date and
time and
number of birds you have seen or heard, by emailing Manuel at
manuelperdisa.focigmail.comSince the 1960’s their populations have halved due to the effects of pesticide applications on their prey of insects. This among other population reducing stressors have caused the Common Nighthawk to be recognised under the Canadian Species at Risk act as “threatened”. We want your input so we can update our Species at Risk database which we share with the BC Conservation Data Centre. This data is used by numerous organizations to inform conservation efforts.