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General News · 7th July 2023
CCHA - Ed Safarik
I am pleased to report that the CCHA has concluded another successful year in supporting and providing programs to foster community health on Cortes Island. The Administrative staff and the Board have the energy and vision to constantly improve the services to the community. We are a model for Rural Health Care organizations.
We are fortunate to have a strong physician team of Doctors, Katie McIntyre, Neil Webb, Ian Law and Sameen Ahmed. We are able to provide continuous physician coverage despite the shortage of doctors in the province. There are occasional gaps because of the weather and the terms of the physician contracts with Island Health that has mandated holiday stipulations for doctors. During these periods physicians from the Rural Locum GP Program to provide service. In the rare instance where a physician is not available, our clinic is otherwise fully staffed with the MOAs, nurses and paramedics, and the pharmacy providing services including lab work. It is a credit to our system that it is easier to make an appointment with a physician or nurse than any other jurisdiction in BC.
Just to highlight some of our programs:
1. The Augmented Home Support Program, headed by Bernice, has expanded its services and has been successful in obtaining government funding. The AHSP provides services different but complementary to the Better at Home co- ordinated by Ester
2. Our Family Services headed by Desta which supports families, in particular families with children.
3.CCHA Youth Programs managed by Serene that has a staff providing 5 different programs for youths of different ages from Kindergarten to grade 10. Staff includes Catriona, Claudia, Lydia, Steph, and Lydia.
5. Our Book and Lunch program has been well received.
6. Compassionate Community Project- the CCHA is partnering with the Island Death Care Society on a grant from the BC Centre for Palliative Care to provide services in what is an expanded hospice program.
There have been staff changes in Administration with Rose Fitcyk is now the head Administrator replacing Jenny Hartwick who succeeded Marilyn Fitzmaurice. We are so fortunate to have such capable people fill this position so the transitions have been seamless.
The front desk MOAs are Heidi, Sandy Bianca and Madison as Mary Lavelle and Kelsey have moved on. They are a very capable group.
Isabelle LaPlante now anchors the nursing team aided by other nurses that do locums.
We are pleased to report that our new Board member Felipe Figueira has created a new website that is quite spectacular. I encourage the community to access our site so as to better access CCHA services.
Revenue and Finances are always an issue with community based organizations like the CCHA.
We receive funds from Island Health for operation support and rent as well as rent from the physicians and other users. However, we are responsible for maintaining and upgrading the building and some new equipment purchases. Donations from the community are essential going forward.
We have been successful in securing donations which will allow us to purchase an Istat machine which is a diagnostic tool to have some blood tests done on the Island. We are trying to obtain a heat pump. We also need to upgrade and expand our building.
We are grateful from support from Life on this Planet Fund of the Vancouver Foundation, the Campbell River Community Foundation, SRD Grant-in-Aid, the various Cortes Island foundations and individual donors.
I am asking the community to donate as they are able.
Bernice and Rose have been able to keep apprised of all funding that may be available and have been successful in procuring funds from wherever available. We are grateful for their diligence.
Finally, must look to the future so we have initiated a strategic planning program to provide guidance going forward.
I closing I would like to thank everyone associated with providing health services and the Cortes Community for their continued support.

For up to date information or to donate please visit our new website at