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General News · 6th June 2023
Gina T

Investigate and explore the extensive reef stretching between Hernando and Savary Islands with a myriad of life to find.

This unique rocky reef with pockets of sand has a phenomenal variety of clams, shrimp, worms, chitons, snails, crabs, sea stars, sea urchins, bryozoans and tiny sand hoppers. Every colour of seaweed thrives here, along with sponges, corals, sea anemones and hydroids. Harbour seals and California sea lions haul out to rest on the reef. You might be lucky enough to watch a wandering garter snake fishing on the low tide. Naturalist George Sirk will guide you and introduce sub-tidal creatures from deeper water for you to touch and experience!

The walk will be over slippery rocks, seaweeds and sand so you need to be sure-footed. Rubber boots are a must to protect your feet from sharp-edged shellfish. We also recommend a walking stick.

Departs Cortes Bay at 9 a.m., returning about 4 p.m. Price $165

BOOK YOUR TRIP NOW: contact, visit or call Misty Isles at 250-935-6756.

Do not miss these Museum's interpreted cruises this year:

Low Tide Exploration, Thursday, July 13

Guided by George Sirk, filmmaker, radio personality and avid naturalist with a passion for birds and wildlife. George will share his legendary curiosity and deep knowledge about the natural world on this trip.

Cassel Lake & Refuge Cove, Thursday, July 27

Guided by writer Norm Gibbons and artist Lisa Weyler-Gibbons. Norm was a founding member of the Refuge Cove Land and Housing Coop and Lisa was raised in this spirited community during the 1970s.

Háthayim/Von Donop Marine Park Sunday, August 13

Guided by Bruce Ellingsen. A member of an early Cortes logging family, Bruce spent part of his childhood in Von Donop Inlet in the 1940s and has a lifetime of rare knowledge of the social and natural history of this region and the island.

More information on Cortes Island Museum's page Misty Isles and on the Misty Isles Adventures.

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