General News · 3rd April 2023
Helen - FOCI
Friends of Cortes Island would like to offer heartfelt thanks to Ryan Harvey for his outstanding 20 years plus service in maintaining our Regional Parks and Trails. Ryan has now stepped back to focus on his business.
Deep gratitude to Ryan for his passionate enthusiasm, positive can-do attitude and often going above and beyond in all that he does. This is in addition to his exceptional work ethic, caring deeply and striving so hard to make our parks and trails so beautiful for everyone to enjoy. Something we know is also very greatly appreciated by the Cortes Island Community.
So, thank you, Ryan Harvey! You have been amazing and so wonderful to work with.
On Friday 31st March we held a leaving presentation for Ryan. Ryan received a beautiful Lisa Gibbons Print, and celebrated with a wonderful specially make cake from Julie Keith.
Finally, we would like to announce that Ryan’s very worthy successor is Sam Gibb. Sam will be working alongside Alex Bernier in maintaining the regional parks and trails going forward. We feel very lucky to have such a great team.

Sam and Ryan - the handover