In this newsletter: Our calendar for April / Person of the Month / Cortes Book Club/ and some more ...
You are invited to join the Cortes Island Seniors Society (CISS) if you are 50+. To find more information about our programs and activities, check this
Tideline link or our Facebook page:
Membership in the Society is very important as it shows your support for the organization and its programming.
CISS CALENDAR FOR APRIL 2023LuncheonsGeorge and Gerri Lerchs are going to host a seniors’ lunch once a month at their house. The cost for April 22 lunch will be $15.00, and it will be a three-course lunch (meet or veggie option, let us know your food allergies) with coffee and tea, starting at 12:30. Contact Gerri or George before April 18 if you are interested in coming: 250-935-3391 or
See you there!
T'ai Chi Ch'uan• Tuesdays, 9 am, OM Studio, Manson's Hall, with Judyth Weaver, by donation to CISS.
Carpet Bowling• Wednesdays and Saturdays, Manson's Hall. Call De0305 for more information.
Jazzercise• Monday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. – Contact Ruth6478 or Victoria6594 if you are interested in coming, Manson’s Hall.
Cortes Book Club• Sunday, April 23, 1 to 3 p.m. Location TBA. We are reading The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate. Contact Rebeka250-207-2205 for more information. Read more below.
Poetry Reading Group• Sunday, April 2, Linnaea Education Centre, 3 to 5 p.m. Library in the Linnaea Education Centre, with Soma Feldmar, final meeting this season.
DeathCaring Collective• No monthly meeting in April. Instead, we're having 6 weeks of volunteer training workshops with final meeting in April.
Walking GroupThe walking group meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 a.m., Manson's Hall parking lot, for 30-min to one-hour walk, followed by coffee. Coffee location TBA.
Cortes Island Museum and Wild CortesFridays and Saturdays, noon to 4 p.m.
• Main Gallery – new exhibition, Wayfinding: Stories of Maps and Place
• Wild Cortes – new exhibition coming soon.
PERSON OF THE MONTH – CALI WADDELL To read Cali's interesting story, see our email newsletter (link below) or the pdf file attached below.
CORTES BOOK CLUBWhat started as an e-book club with Kobo readers on loan to our community, unfolded somewhat organically into something else. It has subsequently morphed into its present format and will continue to evolve with those of us who choose to participate, with three meetings to date.
For more information, contact Rebeka 250-207-2205. To read more, see our email newsletter (link below) or the pdf file attached below.
BINGO NIGHTS!Will you be interested in
Bingo Nights in Manson's Hall? Email or talk to Carolyn or any CISS board member. So far, one person was interested. We are looking for more interest.
BETTER AT HOME NEWSGood News about the
Better at Home program!
Everyone involved has been working very hard to bring this program back and they are very close to making that a reality.
***********************************Your current newsletter (PDF) is attached below; the electronic version is available here:
CISS NEWSLETTER BY EMAILEmail your comments to Gina at or call Gina250-935-0080.
If you are a CISS member, you should be getting an email with the newsletter every first day of a month. If you cannot find it in your email box – check your spam or junk folder and mark "NOT SPAM"; if it is not there, inform Gina250-935-0080.
To subscribe to our newsletter, click here