General News · 3rd February 2023
I am a very early herald of spring.
I bite but I’m yummy and potent.
You may find me peeping up.
What am I?
The Children’s Forest nature walk happens on Sunday, February 5, 10:00 – 2:00 pm. What earth stirrings will we discover as we have just passed the celebration of ‘imbolc’, mid-way between the winter solstice and spring equinox, and the deep belly of the earth begins to awaken.
We meet at the trailhead into the Children's Forest, Carrington Bay Rd. with snacks & lunch and a curious heart. New and current families are always welcome, as are folks without children. There is little or no rain forecast, but come prepared.
We go rain or shine, and out of respect for wild creatures, please leave dogs at home.