General News · 26th December 2022
Gabriel Dinim
The Heroes
Heroes are the people around whom we coalesce to accomplish great tasks.
Izabelle and Noah are the heroes of the Christmas dinner at the Gorge Hall.
We, the other volunteers, coalesced around them to provide us all with the space and food to celebrate to our hearts content.
Without them there would be no Christmas dinner.
Here are the volunteers who responded to the call of Noah and Izabelle to help manifest that vision.
In no order: Randy, Leona, Mark Fraser, Jennifer Ruth, Shiva, Emanuel, Meredith, Lynn, Bruce, Gabriel, De, Soma, Kim, Hunter, Peter Jackel, Lella, Miranda, (Kyle, Jessie & Mike music), Ron, Erik, Coffee Doug, Wine Doug, Rebecca, Sherman.
You who brought food to share, you who helped put the tables and chairs away, you who washed dishes while we weren’t watching, and you who we forget to name, we thank you all wholeheartedly