In this newsletter: Our Calendar for December / CISS Christmas Dinner!!! / Annual Christmas Bird Count / and more ...
You are invited to join the Cortes Island Seniors Society (CISS) if you are 50+. To find more information about our programs and activities, check this
Tideline link or our Facebook page:
Now is a good time to renew your membership, or join us, and come to our annual Christmas Dinner in Manson's Hall! See details below.
To read the full CISS newsletter, click here:
CISS December 2022 News.
To subscribe to our newsletter click here:
SUBSCRIBECISS CALENDAR FOR DECEMBERChristmas DinnerPlease sign up before December 10. You can bring a wrapped gift (new, old, silly or serious; anything goes) if you would like to participate in the gift exchange. Form to signup attached below.
• Saturday, December 17 – CISS Christmas Dinner, doors 5:30, dinner 6:30
LuncheonsNo organized luncheons are scheduled for December. But why not come to the Cortes Community Cafe, Pioneer Room, Manson's Hall, on Wednesdays at 12:30 pm, to enjoy the cafe's food and each other's company!
See you there!
DeathCaring Collective• Break in December. Next meeting January 17, 2023
T'ai Chi Ch'uan• Tuesdays, 9 am, OM STUDIO, Manson's Hall, with Judyth Weaver.
Carpet Bowling• Wednesdays and Saturdays, Manson's Hall. Call De0305 for more information.
Marnie's Books December Hours• Open every day, except Sundays, 11 to 3, until Christmas
Walking GroupThe walking group meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 am, Manson's Hall parking lot, for 30-min to one-hour walk, followed by coffee. Coffee location TBA.
Cortes Island Annual Christmas Bird Count• Sunday, December 18, 9 to 4 pm
Cortes Island Museum and Wild Cortes• Fridays and Saturdays, noon to 4 pm (closed Saturday, December 31)
Museum Events• Sunday, December 11, 1 to 4 pm,
Card Making Workshop with Jane Newman. By donation. Space is limited: call the Museum at 250-935-6340 or email to register.
• Thursday, December 15, 10 am to 1 pm,
Spin & Knit in Public, all welcome, 957 Beasley Rd
• Sunday, December 18, 9 am to 4 pm,
Cortes Island Annual Christmas Bird Count. All welcome! More details in separate posts on Tideline and on the Museum's website,
www.cortesmuseum.caCISS CHRISTMAS DINNER – SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17Bring your own wine or beer, and a wrapped gift (new or old, silly or serious) if you want to take part in the gift exchange/swap.
It’s also a good time to renew your membership in the CISS society. Or join, if you are 50+, why not join us!The membership form, with dinner booking, is attached to this article. But hurry! There is a limited number of participants.
***********************************Your current newsletter (PDF) is attached below; the electronic version is available here:
CISS NEWSLETTER BY EMAILEmail your comments to Gina at or call Gina250-935-0080.
If you are a CISS member, you should be getting an email with the newsletter every first day of a month.
If you cannot find it in your email box – check your spam or junk folder; if it is not there, inform Gina250-935-0080.
Membership form with Christmas Dinner signup