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General News · 17th November 2022
When is the WCC Annual General Meeting?
Sunday November 20th at 3pm at the Gorge Hall.

What is the WCC?
WCC stands for Whaletown Community Club.

What does the Whaletown Community Club do?

The Whaletown Community Club is a community group that oversees the Gorge Hall, the Old Schoolhouse building, the Whaletown Cemetery, the Louisa Tooker Library, and Avery Park.

Who do I contact to rent the Gorge Hall?
Howie Roman

I have an idea for a community event/activity/workshop/class. What do I do now?

Contact any one of the board members or
We are always open to new community activities, new volunteers and love to hear about your great ideas!

Is the heating issue resolved at the Gorge Hall? I heard it was always cold and having a yoga or dance class is not a good idea as it is always cold in there.

A new heat pump was installed in the Gorge Hall in 5 years ago. It took a bit for us to get used to leaving it on all the time to keep the temperature constant but the heat issue was resolved at least 3 years ago. It is now equally comfortable in the winter as it is in the summer.

How do I find out what activities/events are happening in Whaletown?

Most of the activities and events are advertised both on Tideline and Facebook. We post most community events on Gorge Hall Facebook group. There is also an up-to-date calendar on our website:

How are the SRD Hall tax services funds being used at the Gorge Hall?
Detailed financial reports will be presented at the AGM but can also be viewed upon request.

Why become a member of The Whaletown Community Club?

The answer is simple, because its yours.
It does not belong to twitter or facebook or google or apple, it belongs to you.
The WCC gives you the mean to effectively nurture and support the culture and creativity of Whaletown and Cortes Island.
The Whaletown Community Cub helps us stay out of the mainstream of big box culture.

How can I get involved?

Become a member of the Whaletown Community Club, join the board, keep the dance floor hopping, the old schoolhouse open to art, the Tooker library full of books, and the cemetery greening.