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General News · 30th October 2022
Margaret Verschuur
Nov 2nd, Manson's Hall, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
6:00 Potluck. 7:00 Ceremony

We invite you to share in a time of remembering and honouring our ancestors, and others who have gone before us. With stories, song, pictures, candles, silence, mementos, poetry, flowers, gratitude, whatever speaks to you, let us be with the memories of our precious ones. We invite you to come at 6:00 with food and drink that we can share, as well as your own dishes and cutlery. Think about food that your ancestors enjoyed, or the favourite dish of a loved one. Ceremony starts at 7:00.

In many cultures, historically and presently, time is set aside to communally remember. We gather to celebrate love for our deceased, honour the ancestors, and be reminded of our own mortality. Nov 2nd is traditionally the Day of the Dead, when it is thought the veils between the worlds are thinnest. Let us come together in celebration and share this custom in community.

For more information or to help please contact Yasmina at or Dancing Wolf