General News · 13th October 2022
Margaret Verschuur
After collecting the refuse and recycling on Cortes for over 44 years, Ian Disney is stepping down. He would have loved to keep providing this service to the island but, even with his good friend Gordy’s help, his health will not allow him to continue.
Refuse and Recycling Collection – All of Cortes
With Ian and Gordy no longer collecting on the south end of the island, you may need to make changes to the way you manage your refuse and recycling. Note we do not pick up soft plastics, Styrofoam, or glass - these must be brought to the depot for recycling. What we pick up:
Landfill - One or two securely tied bags under 10 kg each, in an animal-proof (easy for us to open) receptacle.
Recycling - Must be clean, loose and in containers we can empty.
Container #1: Mixed Recycling - tin, hard plastic, cardboard, paper - all mixed in one container, do not separate (a machine does that). No soft plastics, Styrofoam, or glass.
Container #2: Non-Glass Refundable Items (beverage containers - milk, milk substitutes, juice, water, alcohol, pop). Alternatively, you can return these to the store yourself for a refund.
Refuse and Recycling Collection – Whaletown
With one truck collecting for all of Cortes, the Whaletown pickup will usually be done after Manson’s, so later in the morning or in early afternoon. In the busy summer months, this could change. As we sort out the new route, we will keep you posted.