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General News · 10th October 2022
The art of the haiku poem and the practice of paper folding, or origami, are both Japanese and international. In this class, you’ll learn about the multicultural history and potential benefits of both arts, the basic forms and processes of each, and you’ll be given the opportunity to practice both of them.

Historically and culturally, the most prominent forms of these two practices have focused on the external, natural world, in a way that places the human on the edge rather than in the centre. The more traditional haiku composers and origami artists are patient observers, careful witnesses, and devoted students of their environment. It is not the self nor self-interest that drives these practices, it is rather the wonder, awe, and sensual delight in and of the natural world that inspires them.

We will attempt to follow this particular approach, softly, while being open to modern and contemporary styles as well. The class will include at least two brief periods of silent meditation, an opportunity to be outside in nature, weather permitting, and the chance to share our haiku compositions and discuss the overall experience.

Soma Feldmar has been practising origami for over 40 years. She is also a published poet and holds a PhD in English, with a focus on poetics.

Sunday, October 30, 10 am to 1 pm
Cortes Island Museum
957 Beasley Road

Registrations required: Call 250-935-6340 or email

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Cortes Island Museum's October Events
Cortes Island Museum's October Events