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General News · 18th September 2022
We will meet on Tuesday, Sept 20th, 2:00 – 3:30 pm in the Pioneer Room of the Manson’s Hall.

Cortes DeathCaring Collective is a once a month gathering of folks who are enthusiastic about opening up conversations and learning more about death, dying, and grief. Each meeting is structured with a time for sharing, an educational presentation, and a discussion about on-going projects in our community.

This meeting's topic is "Tending to the Body, Jewish Practices". Priya Huffman gave such a lovely presentation last year that I’ve asked her to speak to us again. She will tell us about some of the practices and rituals around dying in a Jewish community. Many of us have no traditions to guide us when a loved one dies, and by default follow the status quo of a commercial model. Learning about the rich traditions of all cultures can expand our awareness about what we can do to honour our loved ones at death, as well as make requests from those we love that can be helpful when we die.

Everyone is welcome; please bring a toonie for the space.