General News · 17th June 2022
Miranda Cross-FOCI
Hello Community Members!
The Dillon Creek Wetland Restoration Project, a partnership project between Friends of Cortes Island Society (FOCI) and Linnaea Farm Society (LFS), to benefit the lakes and wetland wildlife, is greening up!
In September 2021 we planted Indigenous potted plants, in February 2022 we planted locally harvested live stakes, and now it is time to maintain the establishing plants by mulching with wood chips and removing invasive plants.
Mulching and weeding work bee:
Saturday June 25th, 10am - 2pm
Tools to bring (if you have them): WHEEL BARROWS!!!, shovels, buckets, gloves, loppers, secateurs, shears.
Please join us and be part of restoration in action!
The soil will be rough and loose, and muddy, so please wear appropriate footwear and watch out for uneven ground. Also please come prepared for the weather, rain or shine, and bring water and food that you’ll need for the day.
Please park in Linnaea Farm main parking lot and walk into the First Field site via the north driveway past the machine shop.
Please do not attend this event if you are feeling any COVID symptoms (sore throat, fever, headache, chills, difficulty breathing, etc).
If you'd like to join us, please be in touch with Miranda Cross by email or call at 250-850-9020 for details, or just show up!
Thanks to the Strathcona Regional District for offering up wood chips to local organizations to benefit ecology and community through the COMMUNITY RESILIENCY INVESTMENT GRANT.
This project would not be possible without the generous financial and in-kind support of local individuals, volunteers, organizations, and the Government of Canada.