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General News · 14th June 2022
The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is encouraging community members to FireSmart their properties by bringing excess yard wood debris to the end of driveways on the following dates:
Sunday June 19 by 9:00 am - Road accessible Electoral Areas A, B, C & D properties and Village of Sayward
Monday June 27 by 9:00 am - Gold River and Tsa’xana
Wednesday June 29 by 10:00 am - Tahsis

Depending on how many residents participate, it may take a couple of days for the chipper to get to your property. Debris will be disposed of for free as part of the FireSmart Community Chipper program through the 2022 Community Resiliency Investment grant. No sign-up is needed, but if you feel your driveway may be hard to find, then please let the SRD know and your address will be added to a special list. Debris must be brought to a public roadway since the chipper cannot enter onto private property under the grant program.

Wood Chipping Rules:
No rocks, no nails, no roots & no treated lumber.
Ideally all the “butt ends” of branches are pointed the same way so they can be fed efficiently into the chipper.
Tree trimmings must be under 16 cms in diameter and 10 m length max.
No invasive species such as Scotch Broom, English Holly, Giant Hogweed and Knotweed.
The contractor reserves the right not to pickup any piles that they feel does not meet these rules.
Do not block traffic by piling debris on the road.
Any debris brought to the end of driveways after the service date start time will not be picked up.
As long as these rules are adhered to, there is no limit on the amount of debris you can pile to be disposed of.
Wood chips cannot be returned to residents as they are considered fuel under the FireSmart principles.

On Quadra Island the wood chips will be disposed on the island in collaboration with Quadra ICAN and the North Quadra Island Garden Club and Cortes Island will also have their woodchips disposed on the island in collaboration with the Friends of Cortes Island, Cortes Island Garden Club, Linnaea Farm and Cortes Community Housing Society. These community organizations submitted accepted proposals to the SRD outlining how the woodchips would be used for public purposes and the measures that would be undertaken to ensure that the woodchips are used beyond 100 meters of any residential structures only.

For more information about how to better FireSmart your home and property, please visit

Media contact: Shaun Koopman, SRD Protective Services Coordinator, 250-830-6702