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General News · 1st June 2022
In this newsletter: Our Calendar / Photo from CISS Archive / Book Club! – free e-readers / free COVID tests / Scam Workshop follow up / and more ...

Thank you all, who attended our AGM in Tuesday, May 31. More information on the AGM in the next newsletter.

If you are a CISS member, you should be getting an email with the newsletter every first day of a month. If you cannot find it in your email box – check your spam or junk folder; if it is not there, inform Gina250-935-0080.

You are invited to join the Cortes Island Seniors Society if you are 55+. To find more information about our programs and activities, click on this Tideline link.



It is finally getting warmer, so we will, depending on the weather forecast, go outside for the seniors' lunches or have them in Manson's Hall in the Pioneer Room. And, maybe, we can find a cook sometimes. Otherwise, we will bring our own lunch.

The outdoor lunches will most likely be at the Marina, since we can get meals there from Carie at The Sunflower Food Truck. And it is lovely at the Marina. Last year, we enjoyed it very much.

The luncheons are on Wednesday, at 12:30 p.m. We will send you emails about where we will meet. Feel free to call Carina if you have questions.

We are looking forward to see you there!

• Wednesdays, location and time – TBA

Meals on Wheels

Although we do not have a cook on Cortes available to cook the Meals on Wheels, we are able to deliver meals once a week from Ironwood Place in Campbell River.

The price is $10, including delivery, or whatever you are able to pay, both ways ($0–5–19–15, etc.).

Ironwood does not provide special diets.

If you would like to sign up, we ask you to sign up for Better at Home as well, as it is a Better at Home service.

For more info, please contact Carina: 250-935-6793.

Scam Workshop

Thursday, June 2, 10 to 11:30 am – Scam Workshop. Due to popular demand, Tommaso has offered a follow-up to the scam workshop. No registration necessary, you can just shop up, but if you can, please confirm with Carina6793 that you are coming. More details below.

Body Toning / Jazzercise

• Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a.m., Manson's Hall. Please call Ruth6478 or check with Victoria if you would like to come. This is the same as previous Jazzercise, but we hope the new name will entice you to come.

Carpet Bowling

• Wednesday and Saturday, 1:30 p.m., Manson's Hall. Call De0305 for more information. Or just show up

Cortes Island DeathCaring Collective

Tuesday, June 14, 10 a.m., Workbee at the Whaletown Cemetery, Carrington Bay Road, entrance off Sawmill

Friday Markets

• Every Friday, noon to 3 p.m., Manson's Hall

Cortes Island Museum

• Cortes Museum and Wild Cortes, Friday and Saturday, noon to 4 p.m., until mid of June, then the Museum switches into summer hours: 10 to 4 p.m., every day except Monday, Wild Cortes every day except Sunday and Monday.
Reflecting Light – new exhibition at the Museum, 957 Beasley Road
Climate Change: Cascading Effect – new exhibition at Wild Cortes, 1255 Seaford Road

Mitlenatch Island with Misty Isles and George Sirk as interpreter, Sunday, June 12, call Misty Isles Adventures at 250-935-6756 to book your trip.

Walking Group

The walking group meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m., Manson's Hall parking lot, for 30-min to one-hour walk, followed by coffee. Coffee location TBA.


Tommaso Biasiolo: To follow up the highly informative workshop Tommaso gave on scam, he will be coming back to answer general questions regarding scams and internet safety.
For example:
• What is the difference between Safari or Internet Explorer and Google?
• How do I keep my accounts safe?
• What do Google and Facebook know about me?
• What can I use to save passwords?
• What is a VPN and what does it do?


Bring pen and paper for notes.

For specific technical questions about your computer please contact Clio is also available on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:30 at the Cortes Radio.

Thursday, June 2, Manson's Hall, Pioneer Room, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

It is appreciated if you sign up: call Carina6793 (workdays, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.)


Have you signed up for a free e-book? Folk U & Cortes Literacy has partnered with Kobo Rakuten to bring up to 20 loanable e-readers to Cortes Island.

Read more about this Folk U initiative in this Tideline post: E-book Club

You join our Folk U (Kobo E-reader) book club by sending an email to


Do you have a photo to share?
I will pick up your picture(s). I will scan them, and include them in our next newsletters. Let me know: (250-935-0080).
I found this wonderful photo below, from 1997, in the Pioneer Room, in Manson's Hall.


Carina Verhoeve is coordinating the Seniors Helping Seniors program. Contact Carina (250-935-6793) with any questions regarding CISS, Better at Home program, seniors’ lunches, Meals on Wheels, Literary Afternoons, and other programs sponsored by the CISS. Respect Carina's hours: call Carina Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (unless emergency).

Did you know that Seniors Helping Seniors and Better at Home have a listing in the 2022 Cortes Phone Book? If you ever wonder where you can find Carina's work phone number, besides in this newsletter, you can find it under "S" and under "B."

Carina's husband appreciates it when you phone this number (250-935-6793) instead of their private number


CISS is now present on Tideline. Please check these two links (below), or just check Tideline periodically, and you will see CISS page in the dropdown of the Special Section top menu and in the revolving ads on the right-hand side.
Special Sections – dropdown from the top Tideline menu, contains also our own Tideline Calendar. This is where you can find our posts and our calendar – all in one place.
Main Page – this is where our main information is presented. You can also find it in the right-hand side revolving ads section.


Call Carina 250-935-6793 (Monday–Friday, 10–5) or email Ester at for an intake form.
Any questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.