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General News · 23rd May 2022
Aaryn Perreault-Laird
WOW gas prices went up! Let’s use less of it! Let’s start ride sharing! Ride sharing reduces air pollution, ferry wait times, and increases community connection. What is ride sharing? It is essentially carpooling. A driver offers a seat in their car to other community members seeking a ride to a similar destination. The Quadra ICAN Transportation Team is considering creating infrastructure for ride sharing as an alternative mode of transportation for getting around Quadra Island as well as for trips to Vancouver Island. The ICAN Transportation Team developed the Ride Sharing Survey to gauge the interest of Quadra residents, Cortes residents and the Surge Narrows Community about participating in ride sharing on Quadra Island. Find the links for your community at

Aaryn Perreault-Laird for the ICAN Transportation Team