Friends of Cortes Island (FOCI) is an environmental charity dedicated to the protection and conservation of the island’s natural environment and wildlife.
This includes everything from our stunning marine environment to our lakes, forests and salmon streams, and from iconic great blue heron to the island’s wolf population.
We maintain the regional parks and trails, monitor the health of the lakes, care for our salmon streams, carry out marine surveys and promote citizen science species at risk recording. We also support the Cortes Island School Garden and run environmental education activities and events. In addition we host an environmental resource library in our office behind Mansons Hall.
You can get involved by becoming a member, donating to support our work or volunteering.
Find out more by visiting our
website or liking us on[Facebook] You can also drop by the FOCI Office open Mon-Fri 9.00am to 5.00pm.
FOCIBox 278
Manson’s Landing BC V0P1K0
Phone: (250)935-0087